thousand oaks florist, thousand oaks flower delivery, thousand oaks flowers, thousand oaks flower shop, thousand oaks flower arrangements


Sunny Days

A pair of roses are nestled in the center and surrounded by a group of daisies, carnations and alstroemeria, and arrive in a matching bowl.
Approx. 12-1/2” W x 11” H

Price:  $62.99 USD
plus service fee

In most cases same day delivery available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient's time zone (noon on Saturdays)

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  As Shown $62.99
  Deluxe $72.99
  Premium $82.99

    Find a zip code




Note: due to ongoing issues with the floral supply chain, significant substitutions may be required on some mixed arrangements

This item is professionally arranged and hand delivered to the recipient by our local florist. Since only the freshest and highest quality items are selected, colors and/or varieties may vary. Container may also vary.

Customer Comments

I wanted to express my gratitude for doing this so quickly...normally, I wouldn’t need this sort of thing so fast, but I just found out the arrangements myself. I apologize for that. But I did want to say thank you very much while I had a chance to do so. Thanks.

Dear Customer Service Team, I want to thank you so much for your quick response to my email concern. Ialso want to thank you for the credit for my order and the understanding. The response on your part does ensure my future consideration of your products. Thanks. Sincerely,

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Flowers delivered the same day in the Thousand Oaks CA area

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We deliver throughout the Thousand Oaks suburban area, covering: Alizia Canyon, Calabasas, Amber Ridge, Annadale, Braemar Gardens, Bridgehaven, Brock Collection, Buttercreek, Camelot, Casa de Flores, Casa de la Senda, Chanteclair, Conejo Oaks, Corta Bella, Creek Side, Fountainwood, Foxmoor, Foxmoor Estates, Foxmoor Hills, Greenbriar, Green Meadows Estates, Hillcrest Gardens, Hill Ranch Estates, Kelly Park, Kevington, Las Flores Villa, Lexington Hills, Los Robles, Lynn Meadows, Lynnmere, Marlborough Hills, Meadow Oaks, Monte Sereno, North Oaks, Northwood Community, Oakridge Estates, Quailridge, Ramona, Rancho Conejo Village, Rondell, San Alicia, Shadow, Watergate